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Adductor Stretch

Adductor Stretch with Kelly 2048x1152.jpg

Stretching the adductors (inner thighs) can be really helpful when trying to improve hamstring flexibility, forward bend or pike position.

How to:

  1. In this version, you sit with your hips raised slightly on a folded mat or towel, take the legs out to the sides until you feel a stretch.
  2. Then, leaning forward and holding the top of a small plate (5 or 10kg), let the plate pull your torso gently forward to increase the stretch to a tolerable level.
  3. You can then try moving the body side to side, taking the stretch a little deeper into each leg’s adductors.
  4. Take it slow, spending around 3 - 5 minutes in this position.

Try this stretch once or maximum twice a week and watch your flexibility improve!

See Kelly in the HBF Stadium gym if you have any questions about flexibility or stretching.