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Bosu proprioception exercises

Bosu proprioception

Proprioception is knowing where your body is in space, and how it is moving. Training this ability can improve balance and performance.

Exercise example:

  • Start by standing with both feet on the BOSU, one foot either side of the circle at the centre of the dome. Once you’re comfortable standing for around 30-60 sec, progress on to the single leg stance.
  • Place one foot in the centre of the BOSU dome and shift your weight slowly onto the standing leg, keeping your knee slightly bent throughout the exercise. Hold for as long as you can, progressing up to 60 sec.
  • Once the single leg stance is mastered, you can add to the challenge by slowly moving your free leg as shown in the clip. 

There are plenty more exercises to progress on to so if you have any questions about balance, proprioception training or would like to book a personal training session contact Trainer Kelly in the gym.